
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Wildflower Season in the Mountains

                People from a planet without flowers would think we must be mad with joy the whole time to have such things about us.
                                                                    -- Iris Murdoch
                                               A Fairly Honourable Defeat

               Wildflowers are blooming in the western mountains!  If you've been wondering what happens on the slopes of your favorite ski resorts in the summertime, then you might be interested in these photos from an August trip to Alta in the Wasatch Mountains of Utah:

Albion Basin Wildflower Meadow, Alta Utah

Indian Paintbrush

Pink and Blue Wild Geraniums

Yellow Daisies and Blue Sky

Silvery Lupine and Indian Paintbrush

Bursting with Color

              Several mountain  towns hold wildflower festivals during July and August.  You can find information about the Wasatch Wildflower Festival (Utah) and the Crested Butte Wildflower Festival (Colorado) on these websites:


  1. Ain't summer grand! Your photos make me feel like I'm right there in the fields - beautiful! Sharing your blog with my Twitter peeps so they can see these gorgeous photos for themselves.

  2. These are gorgeous pictures of flower abundance! I love the lupine season in New Hampshire--pink and blue and white. They're such a surprise in the wild, remote places they turn up.

  3. I am "mad with joy" just looking at these photos. I can almost smell the fresh, sweet-scented mountain air!
