
Monday, October 24, 2011

Autumn in Michigan's Upper Peninsula

"Delicious autumn!  My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns." 
                                                                                          ------George Eliot

           The above quote, copied from a recent post on the blog , is an excellent sentiment for those of us enthralled with fall.

          Over the years I've traveled throughout the US and Canada with the express goal of viewing fall foliage.  This past month, in my own version of George Eliot's successive autumns, I've posted photos from Colorado and West Virginia.  This week I celebrate the hardwood forests of the midwest with pictures from the Upper Peninsula (UP) of Michigan.

Tahquamenon Falls in Tahquamenon Falls State Park.

Along a lonely highway in the UP.

Lake Superior in an angry mood.

         Visiting Lake Superior always feels like coming home; her sighing waters serenade me with songs from a life I long to have known.

Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore along
the south shore of Lake Superior.

Reflections on a pond in Seney National Wildlife Refuge.

Fall foliage in the Upper Peninsula.

Lake Superior is my favorite body of water.  Readers, do you have a favorite body of water?  A place that speaks to you as Superior does to me?

Visit this website for more scenes from the lake the Ojibwe called "Shining Big Sea Water":

Facts about Lake Superior may be found at this site:

To learn more about recreation and travel in Michigan's Upper Peninsula go to this address:


  1. Your photograph, "Lake Superior in an angry mood," took my breath away! Thank you for the continuing views of autumn - sorely missed by this east coast transplant to LA.

    My favorite lakes are Lake Winnipesaukee (and any number of smaller surrounding lakes in the region) in New Hampshire and Loch Ness, a lake whose beauty is overshadowed by her lore.

  2. Hi Rita,

    Well, first of all, Vickie Bates beat me to the punch with her comment, i.e. Your photograph "Lake Superior in an angry mood," took my breath away! That makes two of us who were left breathless! :-)

    And secondly, you asked your readers to post a response regarding their favorite body of water. Gheez! There are so many from which to choose. Just yesterday, I visited one of my favorites, i.e. Squam Lake in NH (which coincidently is also in agreement with one of Vickie's choices! This will seem rather self-serving, but just today I posted a Blog about a visit to Squam Lake (

    A truly terrific Blog report, Rita! George Eliot would be very pleased!


  3. Wow well done! The pictured rocks are definitely a side to behold. Great post! I agree that Superior has an angry mood, but so does Lake Michigan! Thanks for sharing!
    -Marc :)
