
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Two Travel Tales: A Photo Essay

             What type of traveler are you?  Is roughing it in the backcountry your idea of fun?  Or would you rather lounge by the pool at an oceanside condo?  In America it's possible to inhabit two different worlds within one week of each other.  In June of 2012 Tim and I did just that; backpacking Dinosaur National Monument in Utah one weekend and relaxing on the Hawaiian Island of Kauai the following week.
             The variety and diversity of travel options available in the United States is astounding and it's something I cherish—a fact that's no surprise to those who follow this blog.
             This week's post, with photos from each of our June vacations, highlights the contrasts between these two distinct American adventures.
             Enjoy these scenes from one day in America, one week apart.


Our two-person backpacking tent at the Ely Creek
backcountry campsite in Dinosaur National Monument, Utah.

Makua Hideaway:  our Kauai Vacation Rental home on
the island's north shore.


Breakfast is (almost) served.  Tim cooks dried beef and eggs
on our Prius backpack stove.

A pre-breakfast cup of coffee and the morning's
light reading on the porch of our Poipu Beach Condo.

                                                            Along the Water's Edge:

The banks lining Jones Hole Creek.
Evening stroll along Kauai's northern shore.

                                                                  Catching a Fish:

A nice Rainbow Trout, caught on a fly rod in Jones Hole Creek.
"Catching" (on camera) the beautiful Teardrop Butterfly Fish 
cruising one of Kauai's reefs.


Rafting the Green River in Dinosaur National Monument.
Sailing the Pacific, along Kauai's Southern Shore.


The trail from Ely Creek Campsite to the Green River.
Walking through a tropical forest at Lamahuli Gardens, Kauai.

                                                Reader, which pair of feet belong to you?

Would you rather be sitting by Jones Hole Creek,
a cool desert stream with great fishing...

or would you rather be here, 
relaxing by the pool at Poipu Kapili Resort, Kauai? 


If you had to choose between these two holidays, which one would you prefer?

For information on Kauai travel click here:

Discover Dinosaur National monument on this website:


  1. You have posted such wonderful pix, Rita


  2. I do love "adventure" vacations, but my version of adventure usually involves doing a lot of hiking or kayaking during the day and getting to return to a deliciously cooked meal and a comfy hotel bed! I'm not as adventurous as you and Tim, that's for sure - but, I certainly admire you for seeking out vacation spots that can only be viewed after leaving the beaten path.

    Thanks to One Day in America and your beautiful photos, I have the chance to see what I'm missing!!

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed the photos, Vickie.

      While it IS great to venture to places that can only be seen with a backpack, there's nothing wrong with your type of adventure vacations—that comfy bed at the end of the day sounds pretty good to me!

  3. Oh my Rita! This is such a great Blog, and all of your photos are awesome, as always.

    It's very easy to understand, especially from reading your terrific Blogs, that the diversity of travel options available in the United States is astounding and is indeed something to be cherished. You and Tim have maximized this diversity by taking two completely different types of travel adventures just one week apart!

    To answer the question posed at the end of your report, although both of your holidays were outstanding, I'd unquestionably prefer the backpacking trip to Dinosaur National Monument. However, I strongly suspect my wife Cheri would beg to differ, and would choose the Hawaiian Island of Kauai! :-)

    This was truly a brilliant idea for a Blog report!


    1. It's always nice to read your comments, John. Thanks for the compliment at the end!

      I suppose we all have our own ideas of what constitutes the ideal vacation. I feel fortunate to have been able to experience—and to enjoy—both primitive and luxury vacations. I love exploring the wilderness but, as I mentioned to Vickie, there are also times when comfort wins out at the end of the day!
