
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Happy New Year from Steamboat Springs, Colorado

When I no longer thrill to the first snow of the season, I'll know I'm growing old.                                                                                                                                 
                                                                                                        ---Lady Bird Johnson

         I'm in agreement with the former first lady on the above sentiment.  Tim and I recently snowshoed our first powder snowfall of the season at Rabbit Ears Pass, southeast of Steamboat Springs, Colorado.

         On the trail we passed two families on a tree-finding expedition—Dad carrying the saw in hand, kids flopping in the snow banks, Mom laughing and snapping pictures.  Later we saw them trekking back to their cars, spruce trees in tow.  It's a family tradition in Routt National Forest country.

        We left the main trail for a lightly used path and found our own little group of Christmas trees with dollops of snow icing on their branches and powdery flakes falling around them.  We took only photos, leaving the evergreens behind for others to enjoy.

 Click below to view a short slideshow (less than one minute) from our first winter frolic:


  1. Got some good snow in your area!

  2. Yes, the snow showed up just in time for a white Christmas!

    Thanks for commenting, Casey!

  3. Fantastic! Your slideshow epitomizes the saying that a picture is worth a thousand words. With no words spoken, the photos vividly depict the beauty and grandeur of snowshoeing! Winter can be such a fun and rewarding time of year if you get outdoors and embrace it!

    Best wishes to you and Tim for a Happy New Year!


    1. Hi John,

      We have another snowshoe outing planned for New Year's Day, so you may soon be seeing (on this blog) more evidence of the beauty and grandeur of snowshoeing!

      Thanks for commenting, and I wish you and Cheri a Very Happy New Year too!

  4. Hi Rita,

    What a lovely snowfall you had for Christmas - so beautiful and it looks perfect for snowshoeing and other outdoor fun!

    Cool idea to share the slideshow. Looks like you had a blast.

  5. Hi Vickie,

    We did have a blast in the powdery snow. Snowshoeing is one of my favorite winter activities.

    I'm glad that you enjoyed the slideshow. Your comments are much appreciated!
