
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Copper River Adventure, Day Three

            Al Fresco dining can be wonderful.  But not this morning.  We ate breakfast under a cloud of mosquitoes and everyone donned head nets to escape the biting hordes.  We wore the nets while packing and loading the rafts, the pesky mosquitoes swarming until we pushed off from shore.  I’ve never been so glad to be back on the river.  And this proved to be the best river day so far with no headwinds and a strong current guiding us in the right direction.  Today, finally, we floated peacefully along—no special paddling skills required.

        We pulled up to a sandbar in the center of the river and stopped for lunch.  In the sand we noticed Eagle talon and Grizzly Bear paw prints; earlier today those two predators may also have stopped here to devour a tasty snack.

        After only a few more hours of paddling we pulled ashore to make camp on “The Peninsula”, a wide gravel bar with willows, wildflowers, and 360 degree views.

We erected our tents, changed out of our wet paddling gear,
then hung it on the tent to dry.
Expansive view from 3rd night's camp on The Peninsula.
The mountains are hazy due to smoke from Alaska's summer

          After our Mexican fajita dinner the two Tims built a blazing campfire, then Kate handed out sticks, marshmallows, Graham crackers and Hershey bars.
         With lively campfire conversation, a slight breeze to keep the mosquitoes away, and gooey sweet s’mores in hand this evening’s al fresco dining experience was wonderful indeed.

Guides Tim and Kate prepare tonight's fajita
dinner in our camp kitchen.

Kate breaks a downed sapling (behind her on the sand) into marshmallow
roasting sticks.  Tim, Yag and Deepa are ready for dessert.

Read about our other adventures on the Copper River Raft Trip by clicking on the links below:
Day Two
Day Four
Day Five
Day Six

It's 11:00 p.m.  The rain flys are covering the tents, the fire is dying,
another day's adventure has come to an end.


  1. Wow! Although the mountains might have been just a bit hazy due to smoke from Alaska's summer wildfires, it is still a very impressive landscape to behold!

    And regarding the bugs, it's always so amazing to me that no matter how harsh the winter might be in far northern climates like Alaska, it doesn't deter the seasonal return of the biting insects, such as the mosquitoes, as well as black flies, no-see-ums, deerflies, etc. Guess you sort of need to look at this annoyance as part of the price of admission to view awesome sights like you and Tim enjoyed on your Alaskan adventure.

    This Alaskan series is very enjoyable. Am so glad you're sharing it!


    1. Well-said, John. Bugs most definitely ARE the price of admission to Alaska's wonders! Perhaps we should be thankful to the bugs; I think they help to keep most people away from Alaska's outback.

      I'm glad you're enjoying this series! I appreciate your compliments and comments.

  2. Hi Rita,

    I'm with John, I love reading about the progression of your journey on the river and all the sights (and tastes!) you encounter. Your meals are really impressive!

    A friend toured around Labrador a few summers ago and reported that the bugs were a constant cloud around the campsite and everyone's faces during the entire trip. I applaud your perseverance - the views and the opportunity to enjoy the wilderness without a million other campers crowding your campsites definitely seems worth it.

    Thanks so much for sharing!

  3. Hi Vickie,

    Thanks so much for commenting.

    Mosquitoes and other biting bugs are a constant presence in the north country during the summer months and it can be both annoying and uncomfortable! But you're right, the chance to experience the uncrowded wilderness is something to be savored in spite of the bugs. (Head nets and DEET do help to alleviate the problem.)

    I'm happy to hear that you're enjoying this series as well - more adventures to come!
