
Thursday, March 20, 2014

Welcome, Spring!

          Today, at 12:57 p.m. Eastern Standard Time we mark the Vernal Equinox, the beginning of spring.  But we don't need the calendar to tell us what we can already see and feel—lengthening days,  greening landscapes, warming sunshine.

          It's that time of year when we plan both gardens and summer vacations.  And, for me, it's also time to change the header photo on my blog.  While picking a header for spring, I've decided to use this post to showcase all my header photographs.  Click on any picture to enlarge.  Click on the links to view previous posts.  Enjoy!

A pair of Sandhill Cranes fly across the marsh in
Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico.

The "Holy Ghost" panel, artwork from The Ancients.
The Great Gallery, Canyonlands National Park, Utah. 

A group of Convict Tang swims by, off the waters
of Kauai, Hawaii.

A day at the beach in Ocean City, New Jersey.

Cathedral Valley Overlook, Capitol Reef National Park, Utah.

Half-Dome in Yosemite National Park.

Fisher Towers trail silhouette, near Moab, Utah.

The  mountains of Southwestern Colorado, near Lake City.
This was my original banner photo.

In addition to travel, Tim and I enjoy gardening.
These pictures are a montage of several year's worth of
jack-o-lanterns carved from our garden's pumpkins.

The San Juan Mountains in Winter,  near Lake City, Colorado.

Snowshoeing is a great winter activity in and around Lake City, Colorado.


  1. Hi Rita,

    A lot of enjoyable blogs are represented by your selection of header photographs with their associated links. This is terrific and unique way to showcase a nice representative sampling of your postings.

    Yes, it's officially the Spring Season. However, as I write this reply, it is snowing here in northern New Hampshire with at least 3 inches of accumulation thus far. Rather than a nice Spring Day, things look more like your photo of the San Juan Mountains in Winter!

    Regarding your photos, if I were forced to choose favorites, I suppose it would be the one mentioned above, i.e. "San Juan Mountains in Winter", and also the ones entitled "Mountains of Southwestern Colorado", and "Half-Dome", but not necessarily in that order.


    1. I'm sorry that you didn't have spring-like conditions in New Hampshire today. I'm traveling in West Tennessee where we enjoyed blue skies and 65 degrees on this first day of spring.

      Thanks for submitting your "favorite headers" list. I was going to ask that question at the end of this post, but I see that was a not necessary after all!
      My favorite is probably the "Holy Ghost Panel' because, to my knowledge there's nothing else anywhere on earth quite like it.
      But I like them all!

      As always thanks so much for your thoughtful comments,John!

  2. Great pictures, all of them! Especially the one with the red jacketed lady squatting on snow with a happy smile!


    1. I'm glad that you enjoyed all the pictures from this post. And thanks for picking my "Merry Christmas"photo as your favorite! There's always a reason to smile when you're sitting on top of the world in the mountains of Colorado!

      Thanks again for your kind comments, Soumyendu.

  3. It's like asking a parent to pick his/her favorite child! But I'd have to go with the sandhill cranes. They nest near the golf course in Craig, and I've often seen them in the flight of your photograph, making their oddly distinctive sound. It's always breathtaking.

  4. We'll have to look for that Sandhill Crane nest the next time we're in Craig. It's wonderful to hear their "prehistoric" call, isn't it?

    Thanks for reading and commenting, Janet!

  5. I took a quick break at work the other day and clicked on this post - it was such fun to read/see! Like a mini-vacation.

    What a great idea to revisit all of your header photos. I love them all, for different reasons (the tropical fish, the silhouetted western landscape), but even though it's spring, I think my fave it the collection of Jack O'lanterns. It just makes me grin!!

    Thanks for the great views.

    1. I like those jack-o-lanterns too. We enjoyed both growing and carving those pumpkins over the years.

      Thanks for reading, and for your kind comments, Vickie!
