
Friday, July 3, 2015

Happy 239th Birthday, USA!

             Tomorrow, July 4, 2015, Americans everywhere will be celebrating Independence Day with picnics, parades and pyrotechnics.  Have a Happy Holiday!

Main Street USA.
Vernal, Utah is the gateway city to Dinosaur National Monument.
One of Vernal's unofficial mascots,  "Dino" the dinosaur, is dressed for holiday fun.



  1. Happy 4th of July, Rita!! Was thinking about you and Tim the other day and wondering what adventures you've been on - hope you're having a lovely summer.

    1. Vickie, thanks—as always—for being a loyal follower of my blog.

      Tim has been fishing and I have been traveling to PA and Michigan. I trust that you are enjoying a lovely summer as well!

  2. Swami Vivekanand, an Indian sage wrote a poem on the 4th of July, in 1898. He passed over the same day, in 1902, at 39. I am unable to post a link, but here is a url where you can read about it, Rita

    Looking forward to more of your posts!

    1. Hi Soumyendu,

      I read the article with the poem by Swami Vivekanand. Very interesting—this concept of freedom and what it really means.
      Thanks for sharing the url.

      Have a safe and happy July!

  3. Wishing you a somewhat belated wish for a most happy Independence Day, Rita.
    Cheri and I are currently traveling in the Quebec City area of Canada. As you are undoubtedly aware, there are many connections here to our Independence Day.

    1. Wishing you and Cheri a "Bon Voyage" in Quebec, John!

  4. I love Vernal and driving through its plant-lined main street. I always watch for Dino. I've always thought I could quite happily live there. I hope your 4th was happy.

  5. I have always liked the town of Vernal, too. But lately—within the past year—it seems the town has sold out to big box stores. Hundreds of acres of chain stores now fill the (former) meadows on the east end of town, and Vernal's Main Street is starting to feel the effects, with boarded up storefronts and the like.
    The flower-filled planters are still pretty and Vernal still has Dino though!
    We had a nice 4th, celebrating an old-fashioned cookout with a local ranching family.
    Happy July, Janet!
