
Monday, October 31, 2016

Mainely Murders Bookstore, Kennebunk, Maine

         Searching for tales of mystery, murder and mayhem this Halloween?  Then check out Mainely Murders bookstore in Kennebunk, Maine.

         I discovered Mainely Murders while touring Maine on a warm August day.  Open doors and an employee reading under a shade canopy enticed me to stop in.  
         "Welcome," said the employee.  "I'll describe our store to you."  

         "Outside we have garden-themed murders and culinary mysteries.  And here's a section devoted to murders involving or solved by cats and dogs.  And, in case you're wondering, the cats and dogs are NEVER the victims," she said.

          I entered the small clapboard building and Ann, the bookstore's owner, took over the narrative:

         "Here's a section devoted to murders written by Maine authors, or taking place in Maine.  We have New England murders, classic American and classic British Isles murder mysteries, Agatha Christie's works, Sherlock Holmes mysteries, European mysteries, South American murder mysteries, Medieval murders, Contemporary American mysteries, Alphabetized-by-author-not-any-particular-genre murders."

         All categorized, all organized.

        "We have over 10,000 books in our inventory," Ann said.  "But we only display about 3500.  So, if you don't see something, ask!"

         After my Mainely Murders tutorial I had to buy at least one book.  I browsed the shop for awhile and then did indeed by a book (or three).    

         What better way to spend Halloween than by curling up with a good mystery while awaiting little goblins and ghouls.

         Happy Haunting!

Here's the perfect gift for a Halloween/World Series celebration—
baseball-themed murder mysteries.


  1. Probably most people's images of New England primarily involve such things as steepled churches; patriotic events, like Paul Revere's ride; lobster drowned in butter; winding country roads, and the vibrant colors of autumn. But, New England has its share of unconventional and often eccentric travel attractions which one might not read about in traditional travel guides. The "Mainely Murders Bookstore" seems to qualify as one of those off-beat New England destinations that is worth visiting!

    Thanks for sharing, Rita!

    1. I agree, John, that most people don't think of a murder-mystery bookstore as a destination when they're planning a trip to New England.
      I was driving through downtown Kennebunk when I saw a small sign with the name of the bookstore, pointing downhill. I hadn't planned to stop in Kennebunk but the sign made me curious and I pulled over, parked, and went in search of "Mainely Murders".
      Discoveries such as this one can add interest and variety to a vacation—no matter what the locale!

  2. How apro-Poe! As a New Hampshire-ite, Maine always strikes me as gothic and creepy, so encountering a place like this - with the perfect name - is lovely.

    And how great is it to explore new bookstores when traveling? One of my favorite haunts in any new town.

    1. Love the "Poe"tic word play, Vickie!

      Spending a few hours in an indie bookstore is also one of my favorite things to do when visiting a new city or town—I knew you would feel the same.

      And I agree that Maine is kind of creepy and gothic; it's the state that spawned Stephen King, after all!

  3. This is truly interesting Rita, a bookstore devoted to murder mysteries! One can gauge the amount of pure joy in discovering such a gem in the most unlikely of places so thank you for sharing!

    1. You're welcome! It's always a joy to discover independent bookstores in my travels and I really enjoyed browsing—and buying—in this one.
      Thanks for your comments!

  4. What a perfect Halloween post, Rita, and what a charming and unusual bookstore. I'm sure I would have bought a book or three as well.

    1. Thanks, Janet. This bookstore was a great find. I have a weakness for books and bookstores the way some other women have a weakness for, say, shoes. I have a feeling the same is true for you.
      I've often said to Tim: "Aren't you glad that I spend my money on books rather than on shoes or clothing?" (I think he IS glad about that!)
