
Monday, September 26, 2011

Autumn in the Colorado Rockies

I'm on vacation.  While I'm gone please enjoy these photos from the San Juan Mountains in Southwestern Colorado.  All pictures were taken around Lake City during the month of September.
As always, click on a photo to enlarge.

Autumn splendor in the Rockies.

September View of Lake San Cristobel near Lake City.

Fall fishing in the San Juans.
Early season snowfall in the Colorado Rockies.

Autumn Forest

Crystal Lake hiking trail.

Autumn hillside near Lake City.

Aspens and pines in the snow.

Aspen Leaf on the trail.

The perfect spot to curl up with a good book.

Paradise by the dashboard lights.

Uncompaghre Peak (far right) and aspen hillside.

Want to visit Lake City and need a place to stay?  Consider renting Mountain Time Cabin; find more information here:

To view photos from a September trip to Lake City, please visit this post:


  1. Those are all phenomenal photo's, but the Aspen Leaf on the Trail really stands out. What vivid color amongst the browns and grays. I would put that in a frame and hang it in my house.

  2. I agree - these are spectacular and worthy of a book, fine arts display or calendar.

    Hope you had a relaxing vacation and enjoyed "Harry Potter"!
