
Saturday, December 10, 2016

Walking in a Winter Wonderland—Lake City, Colorado

Obsessing over planning a holiday menu to appease your vegan brother-in-law?  Wondering how to keep the egg nog away from Uncle Bill?  Fretting about picking the perfect gift for your spoiled niece?


Grab a pair of snowshoes and a companion—furry or otherwise—and head for the hills.
It's the perfect antidote for those holiday headaches.

Wishing you joy and wonder this holiday season!

Merry Christmas from Annie, Rita and Tim.


  1. Happy Holidays, Rita, Tim and Annie!! And happy snowshoeing!!

    Here's to more great adventures in the new year. :)

    1. Thanks for the warm wishes, Vickie!

      Happy Holidays to you, too!

  2. A perfect "antidote" indeed, Rita! And what a splendid photo of you, Tim, and Annie (love her festive collar)!

    And so, my holiday message to you and yours is that whatever is beautiful, whatever is meaningful, whatever brings you happiness . . . may it be yours during this Holiday Season and throughout the coming year!


    1. Annie doesn't seem to mind that festive collar and so we've taken quite a few photos of her dressed in her holiday attire!

      Thanks for the holiday greeting. We wish you and Cheri a very happy holiday season and we wish you a 2017 filled with many happy hiking opportunities!

  3. Merry Christmas, Rita, Tim and Anne! Looking forward to lots of new posts from you in the coming year as well!

    1. Thanks Soumyendu!

      Looking forward to reading your posts from India in 2017.
      Happy New Year!

  4. This is a perfect Christmas card, Rita. Thank you. The beginning is charmingly funny and relatable, the photograph is filled with happiness, and the advice is astute. I think I'll go grab my snowshoes and Joel and venture out!

    1. I'm back in Utah, after taking a long break from my computer. Have you had as much snow in Craig as we have in Price?
      I hope you and Joel have had a fun snowshoe outing in the past week!

  5. Yes, Craig has been snowbound but today it is melting and icicles are dripping in warmer temperatures. Unfortunately, Joel and I have been housebound as well. He has had a doozy of a cold which I am now falling prey to. Oh well, lots of reading time.
